8:00 AM08:00

Workshop: Persuasive Conversations on Designing High Performance Homes (Hartford, CT)

“This is a method of communicating that architects will not find anywhere else.” Lindsay Schack, Love Schack Architecture

"After having some success guiding clients toward passive houses, I was eager to assess and improve the approach I developed for these meetings. The training not only allowed me to affirm and refine my approach but gave me new tools to advance Passive House as not only a viable consideration for my clients, but the clear choice.” Barry Price, Barry Price Architecture 

Every person who enters your office should be changed by their conversation with you.

In the workshop we’ll give you a process that will help you overcome the common challenges in these meetings and increase the number of clients who want a passive house or zero energy house. 

There are enormous differences between selling a conventional house and selling a high performance one. Architects and builders need a different process. In this workshop we’ll show you the best way to approach these meetings and give you an evidence-based process that will increase the number of clients who want a passive house or zero energy house.

This course is aimed to help architects and builders already talking to their clients about zero energy homes (such as passive house) as well as those who are only thinking about it (and who may be afraid of having these conversations with clients). Learn how to avoid many problems that commonly occur in these meetings in order to produce clients with a strong commitment to building a zero energy home. The process will give you ways to meaningfully differentiate your services from those of other architects and builders, make the decision easier for the client and make it more likely they’ll hire you. 

Registration includes a copy of The Meeting Map: a step-by-step process to follow in the first two hours you spend with a new prospect.

Go to the Construction Institute site to register.

What is the value of a meeting a meeting with a prospect? This question shows the necessity of being trained in the Meeting Map process. The video below explores the topic. Warning: We put this video together very quickly and so the quality is terrible. But it answers some common questions architects have had about the Meeting Map.

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10:00 AM10:00

Workshop: Talking To Home Buyers About Passive House (NYC)

“This is a method of communicating that architects will not find anywhere else.” Lindsay Schack, Love Schack Architecture

"After having some success guiding clients toward passive houses, I was eager to assess and improve the approach I developed for these meetings. The training not only allowed me to affirm and refine my approach but gave me new tools to advance Passive House as not only a viable consideration for my clients, but the clear choice.” Barry Price, Barry Price Architecture

Every person who enters your office should be changed by their conversation with you.

In the workshop we’ll give you a process that will help you overcome the common challenges in these meetings and increase the number of clients who want a passive house or zero energy house.

There are enormous differences between selling a conventional house and selling a high performance one. So architects and builders need a different process.

Registration Fee: $475 or $400 for NYPH members (Discount code: NYPH)

Attendees of the workshop will be eligible for 4.5 CPHC CEUs.

This course is aimed to help architects and builders who are already talking to their clients about passive house and those who are only thinking about it (but who are afraid of these conversations). Learn how to avoid many problems that commonly occur in these meetings in order to produce clients with a strong commitment to building a zero energy home. The process will give you ways to meaningfully differentiate your services from those of other architects and builders, make the decision easier for the client and make it more likely they’ll hire you. 

This is all about process. Focus on the process and everything else will take care of itself. 

What Attendees Learn:

  • What it takes to convert a person to passive or zero energy house

  • How to stop people from saying (and thinking) “it’s too expensive”

  • How to increase the home buyer’s receptivity to what you’re saying and confidence in you

  • What to do and say in the first meeting with a prospect

  • How we can do much better than talking about “green” homes

  • How to effectively differentiate your services from those of other builders and architects

Attendees of the workshop will be eligible for 4.5 CPHC CEUs.

Finally, thank you to New York Passive House for organizing and hosting this workshop.

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